a plan that ensures you desires and instructions are clear so
that they are properly executed.
We help clients develop an estate plan appropriate to their needs and desires. With our input, our clients are empowered
to determine how their assets will be distributed upon death. By creating an estate plan, our clients avoid the expensive
probate process and estate taxes upon death. Depending on the client’s needs, our attorneys can prepare a will, power of
attorney, healthcare directive, revocable trusts, and irrevocable trusts.
Revocable Family Trust
We draft revocable family trust
which will help residents of the
state of California avoid the
expensive probate process.
Irrevocable Trust
We draft irrevocable trusts which
are an integral part of an estate
plan. Irrevocable trusts can
provide asset protection and
maximize estate tax savings.
Life Insurance Trust
We draft life insurance trusts that
are funded with cash in order to
purcharse a life insurance policy on
the settlor or an existing life
insurance policy is transferred into
the trust. This allows the life
insurance proceeds to not be
included in the estate of the settlor.